Monday, April 30, 2012

Did 'It Gets Better' gay activist Dan Savage bully Christian high school students?

John Shore, in his new post Dan Savage and the Truth, doesn't think so.
The controversy is due to Mr. Savage calling bull**** those parts of the Bible that throughout history been used by “Christians” unworthy of the name to justify the Holocaust, condone slavery, oppress women, and victimize gay people...
     Well, thank you, young people who walked out of Dan’s speech the moment he began talking about the parts of the Bible to which he takes exception, for reminding us of what beats so passionately in the heart and soul of every true journalist. Speaking as a person who for twelve years made his living as a journalist, I admire your dedication to the journalist’s creed: When you personally disagree with something someone is saying, get up and leave...
     What immediately become a meme amongst Dan’s critics is that those who walked out of his talk felt bullied by him. But that’s impossible... victims of bullies are selected for persecution; they are pulled from the pack before being pointedly and repeatedly victimized. The people who walked out during Dan’s talk were not separated from their peers by anyone...Theirs was not an act born of suffering. It was a proud show of disdain.
Truth In Advertising, Christer Edition:
"We can redefine bullying but you can't redefine marriage!"

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